About The Learning Elephants


Work Experience:

Elementary- 4yrs
Middle Grades- 4 yrs
High School- 10 yrs
College - 1.5 yrs



BA and MA Anthropology
MEd Curriculum and Instruction
PhD Psychology


My teaching experience ranges from kindergarten to teaching college students.  I have traveled to and worked in other countries.  I am versed in various cultures and religions and work with people of various cultures and religions.  I have worked with impoverished students, affluent students, minority students, students with disabilities, and students with varied religious affiliation.  I met and talked to a Japanese survivor of the bombing of Nagasaki.  I was privileged to travel to First Mesa and experience a Katsina Dance.  I have worked for private, state, and federal agencies, from doing autopsies when I worked at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to selling fast food to using a jackhammer for digging up dinosaur bones to excavating in Greece to traveling to Japan with People to People.  I have applied for and received a grant as well as written reports and given presentations. Thus, I have vast array of experiences which would be advantageous to your organization.

My education in anthropology, education, and psychology have melded nicely.  After all, anthropology is the study of humans, while psychology is the study of human behavior and education crosses both fields.

Also, more information about me: I have taught Kindergarten to college. I've taught special education and general education. I have taught 17 years.